Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to "Wow" Party guests?

Every event has its 'cause' to gather a particular group of people. For organizers, they look at participation. But for party planners, we want to make sure all the guests enjoy the most out of the party.

Here comes your mission - try to input a "Wow" factor no matter how boring the theme/ cause may sound. You will be surprised how synergistic it gets to enlighten the ambiance of the party.

Here are what you could work on...hope you find the tips useful :)

1. An interesting theme

It's a basic requirement. From award ceremony, annual dinner to festival gala, you need to give your guests a heads up of what to expect. Give a 'theme' to your event in addition to your event title, e.g. "Red Carpet Glam Night" or "Blue & Glitters" -- gimmicks are always interesting.

Be consistent with your visuals, invitation cards, e-mail communication (you could even attach an imageboard to make sure every one is getting the same idea), venue decoration, accessories, cake design (see my previous post about 'corporate cupcakes'- March 23,2012), music, on-stage tone of voice, souvenir giveaway etc.

If you wish to set a dress code, try not to go too over the top and make guests feel 'uncomfortable' coming to the party since invitation - esp. for corporate events that involves an age range from 20 to 60. A mild and achievable theme is good enough for every one to dress in unity - of coz. exception applies to a relatively niche group ;)

2. Venue matters

The venue could tell half of the theme, whether it's grand, formal, relaxed, fun, active, gimmicky...apart from hotel ballrooms or clubhouses, there are actually a lot of restaurants, cafes and bars in town that could be rented out for private parties. So, next time when you have found a nice cozy place for dinner or an after-drink, talk to the restaurant manager to see if the place could accommodate private events. Your guests won't refuse to go somewhere different and interesting.

Ideas: Beach bar, cigar lounge, Italian restaurant, Japanese fusion restaurant, Winery, fashion boutique and more..

The 8th Estate Winery @ Ap Lei Chau

 3. Delightful little things

If budget won't allow you to have an Oscar scale production, you may consider small items that go around the theme and delightful at the same time. Glittery hats, home-production theme video, a red carpet photo spot, themed canapes will all do.
Oscar party canape (Photo credit: International Business Times Inc.)

4. The MC

A good MC on stage is able to embrace the atmosphere while ensuring the flow goes as planned. If you are not hiring a professional MC, make sure the appointed one is well prepared (v.v. important!) of the flow (rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!) - I do mean every detail of it as if he/she has gone through the event over and over again for at least 5 times.The MC should know the rundown, speakers' names and background, music, the menu and act as a timekeeper. The MC could throw out lighthearted jokes without embarrassing and outshining the organizer/ speaker.

5. Games to warm up/ 'wake up'

A little ice-breaking game to warm up participants is nice to have. A "wake-up" game during the event could also bring the spirits of getting full/ bored/ tipsy/ overly talkative guests together. The MC or a high ranking member of the organizer could help to host. A toast by an organizing key person will also do to grasp attention and gather lost souls.

What else...?

There are limitless ways to enhance participation and maximize the fun of a party. Party ideas don't come up all in one time right when you need to organize one. Keep a look out for ideas in everyday life and these small ideas might come together to make an awesome party one day!

Enjoy party planning!


  1. There are so many more party ideas out there! Feel free to input some more here~

    Let me know what you'd like me to write next :)


  2. a user friendly guest invitation process


What do you think?