Monday, December 16, 2013

Chiffon cake recipe - so easy and versatile you will get addicted to making it!

This time of the year is like honeymoon - work is less crazy, I got annual leave days to clear, Christmas and New Year are around - meaning more holidays, and the main point is - finally I got some real leisure time to enjoy myself yay! :DD

So I made 2 variations of chiffon cakes in a row this weekend - one with bananas + dried cranberries, another with cinnamon poached pears & apples (omg it's the taste of Christmas!). Chiffon cake is relatively light as it doesn't contain butter~ so yea I guess I won't become a 肥妹 yet after this long weekend :D

This recipe I followed can yield spongy yet substantial cake texture, and it won't be too sweet (just the right sweetness I like) - the flavor is up to your choice of fruits/ ingredients and here are two types you can try~

Banana and cranberry chiffon cake
(8" cake pan - serves 4-6)

- 5 eggs (separate yolks and whites)
- 60g sugar (10g for flour mix*; 50g for egg white foam**)
- 40g olive oil (or vegetable oil)
- 90g cake flour (or 60g cake flour + 30g wheat flour)
- 1/2 lemon (for juice)
- 2-3 bananas (crushed and have 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice added)
- 30g dried cranberries

1. Pre-heat oven at 160°C

*Flour mix
2. Mix the egg yolks with 10g sugar
3. Add in olive oil 
4. Stir in crushed bananas
5. Sieve and add in cake flour, stir till all mixed

*Egg white foam
6. Beat the egg white till a bit foamy
7. Add in 50g sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in 2 batches 
8. Keep beating till the foam is firm and smooth, and be able to form soft peaks

Get ready for the bake!
9. Fold in egg white foam into the flour mix in 3 batches
10. Add dried cranberries to the mix
11. Pour the melange into the cake pan and send it off to the oven for 50 minutes (at 160°C)
Enjoy watching the lovely cake puff up and get bronzed~

To serve:
12. Insert a toothpick into the center of the cake, if it comes out clean, it's done!
12. Place the cake upside down to cool once it's out of the oven (you could refer to the 2 methods below)
13. Optional: may decorate the cake top with icing sugar, and enjoy with apricot or whatever jam you like

Variation (which replaces bananas if you are not a fan): Spiced apple and pear chiffon cake

- Same as above, except no bananas and cranberries
- 1 apple & 1 pear (anjou / bosc pear), chopped / finely diced
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 60g sugar

1. Heat 60g sugar and about 2cups (500mL) of water in a saucepan
2. When the sugar has melted and starts to boil, add in chopped apples and pears, and cinnamon
3. Stir and bring the mix to simmer for 20 minutes till the fruits soften
4. Cover the saucepan and let the mixture sit for at least 2 hours (or overnight in the fridge)
5. Right before use, drain excess sugar water, and slightly dry the surfaces of the chopped fruits on a kitchen towel 

Method (95% the same as above, but pay attention to the slight differences~):
Pre-heat oven at 160°C 

*Flour mix - same as above but DON'T add in the fruits yet
 <-- Don't do this! It will moist the batter too much (bad example :P) 
and become this --> 

*Egg white foam - same treatment as above

The last mile before the bake...
1. Pour the flour + egg white melange into the cake pan
2. Drop the chopped fruit into the cake mix evenly (to allow the least time for the fruit chunks to sink to the bottom)
3. Send off to the oven for 50 minutes (at 160°C)

Done! Same serving method as above :)

Bon appetit! Enjoy!

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